"The body heals itself in

a sure, sensible, practical 

and observable manner. 

'The healer within'

can be approached

from without.

Man possesses a

potential for recovery... 

this is man's natural heritage."


George Goodheart


George J. Goodheart, DC

Born: August 18, 1918

Died: March 5, 2008



Applied kinesiology is a system of diagnosis that utilizes the manual muscle testing response as a reflection of the status of the anterior horn motor neuron pool of the muscle being tested (i.e. the pool of nerve cells in the spinal cord that respond when the muscle contracts).  The fundamental objective of this new system of diagnosis is the evaluation and correction of nervous system irritation through the application of "natural therapies" designed to remove noxious irritants and restore normal neurological expression, thereby aiding in the promotion of health and the prevention of disease.


Applied kinesiology finds its roots in  observations made in 1964 by Dr. George J. Goodheart, Jr, a chiropractic physician, then practicing in Detroit, Michigan.  Goodheart's observations regarding muscle balance, muscle strength and muscle weakness refuted the then held theory that muscle spasm was the primary cause of back pain.  According to Goodheart, the primary cause of back pain is muscle weakness.  Muscle weakness (as observed by manual testing) was soon to be understood as an inhibition of motor neurons located in the spinal cord's anterior horn motor neuron pool.


Weakness (inhibition) of any muscle, Goodheart observes, causes the contralateral, antagonistic or opposing muscles to contract, thereby causing pain.  When a muscle contracts without the normal antagonistic response, it isn't the tight or contracted muscle that needs help, it is the weak (inhibited) muscle that needs to be strengthened (facilitated), thereby restoring muscle balance and relieving secondary muscle spasm.  A real case of primary muscle spasm is, in reality, seldom seen.  It is, rather, a secondary condition.


Applied kinesiology allows the doctor to diagnose, through the use of the manual muscle testing response, the need for the application of a variety of sensory receptor based therapies that, when appropriately applied, result in improved neurological function.  This "new system of diagnosis" confirms that when the need is diagnosed and appropriate therapy is supplied, the results are often remarkable.






"To follow a physiologically haphazard approach to patient care is like playing random notes on the piano hoping that they come together and make beautiful music."


On the contrary, "to follow a physiological approach, one based on the basic sciences of neurology and biochemistry, is like playing the marvelous masterpiece of physiology following the sheet music of life itself."


Hence, there is a logical "path to follow so that the outcome of treatment is most harmonious with the patient's physiology."


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